Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Import a Toyota Passo

If you plan to import a Toyota Passo directly under your name, following are the details you need to know.

Basically you can find a very good condition Passo (Auction grade 4/4.5 and YOM 2007/2008) is around JPY 700,000/-

Add another JPY 100,000/- to convert it to CIF price.

So the total cost will be around JPY 800,000/- max to the Colombo Harbor.

Total cost for the car in SLR = 800,000 * current exchange rate for YEN

= 800,000 * 1.3634 (today rate)

= SLR 1,089,120

SL Duty for YOM 2007 March to 2007 September – SLR 841,000

SL Duty for YOM 2007 September to 2008 September – SLR 896,000

Apart from that, you’ll have to pay ~ SLR 15,000/- for the clearing charges.

Finally you can have a very good Toyota Passo around SLR 1,945,120/- ~ SLR 1,997,120/-

Refer below site to get an idea of the vehicle prices:



  1. Hi, thanks for the info... i'd like to import a passo auction grade 3 or something... i saw one for 600,000 yen. what would be my final price and how do i buy it... please tell me the total procedure.. thanks. please reply dilu_cse@yahoo.com

  2. Hi Dilushan,

    Thanks for the comment. I'll upload total procedure to the site soon.

    Please do not go for Auction Grade 3. Better try for AG 4 or higher.

    I will try my best for you regarding this.


  3. Hi thanks,

    can u tell me the procedure via email or something.. dilu_cse@yahoo.com..

    thanks for offering your help.
